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Old 03-26-2009, 12:59 PM
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Royatl Royatl is offline
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Originally Posted by Gus

Outstanding work to get Barry to come and chat. I saw Scott's note that the chat will be done in a regular thread and I'm wondering if maybe you might want to ammend that. My impression is that as soon as you open the thread there will be 20 posts of questions and Barry will be lucky to even get done reading through those in the two hours.

As an alternative, may I suggest you use a format similar to what Larry King used to use on his old radio program. For the 1st hour Larry would interview the guest by himself, then the second and third hours were opened to questions from the public.

If you use a similar format, you could use the next few days to solicit questions from everybody, you could pick the few that you think best represent what you think most would want to hear Barry chat about, and have him do those first, then open it to general questions. I think that might be a more productive approach.

Just a thought. And thanks again for your usual good work.


That is similar to the way Slashdot does Q&A with very popular or potentially controversial subjects. I.e. accept ten or twenty questions, edit for duplications or problems, then submit those to Barry to answer on his own time. There can be a second such session for specific follow ups. Of course, that takes the "live-ness" from it But at the same time Barry can give well thought out answers instead of being forced to give rushed off-the-cuff answers.
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