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Old 04-02-2017, 09:53 AM
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Dazed and Confused
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Default 1970 Flight at TTU

This is the back cover of a beg-a-zine...those magazines graduates get where they ask for donations and provide a little bit of propeganda for the school. This one is from Tennessee Tech where my son got his engineering degree.

If you notice the caption it says the professor is launching the rocket. If you look closely at the pic, you will see the student kneeling in front of the pad is actually launching it. The professor is either monitoring telemetry, or it's just staged to make him look important. It says he was a NASA employee and a handler for Able and Baker. I wonder if he actually studied them or just scooped poop.

From the look of the exhaust, it is a BP motor. Since it is carrying a mouse, it's probably a D13. The exhaust doesn't look thick enough for an FSI E60 or Centuri Mini-Max E62 and the model doesn't seem to be moving that fast. A D13 also makes me wonder if it really has any telemetry on board considering the weight of 1970 batteries and transmitters.

I love sanding.
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