View Full Version : Auction Section Down?

01-02-2016, 04:20 PM
Hello,Id like to list some auction here on YORF but I get the Internal Server Error 500. Thanks!! Ken

01-02-2016, 09:00 PM
Ken, make sure Scott is aware of the problem by sending a PM to LTVScout.


01-02-2016, 10:13 PM
I'll have to wait till this coming week to talk to my webhost to find out what's up with that.

01-03-2016, 11:49 PM
The auction should now work for everyone, Ken. They upgraded the OS on the server. Some perl modules needed to be reinstalled for my auction software to work properly.

01-04-2016, 09:39 PM
OK,the site will now load up but I cant get past the pic uploading. I keep getting the message..... Site Error Error Creating Thumbnail No Such File Or Directory.


01-04-2016, 10:30 PM
OK,the site will now load up but I cant get past the pic uploading. I keep getting the message..... Site Error Error Creating Thumbnail No Such File Or Directory.

Looks like it's going to take more work with my webhost to get that straightened out.

02-02-2016, 08:31 AM
Hi Ken,

I believe the issue with not being able to upload pictures has now been fixed. Please give it a shot and let me know if you have any more issues with the auction site.

02-02-2016, 09:00 PM
OK,I have an auction up. The only issue that I see is that the main pic in the auction is the one of the back of the kit. I did select the front pic to be the main pic. When I click on it inside the auction page the front pic wont come up. See is it works for you...


02-02-2016, 09:02 PM
OK,lol, I just tried to click on the thumbnail again and it worked. False alarm...