View Full Version : Engines in outriggers

07-07-2007, 02:13 PM
Way back when I was a young rocketeer I wanted to build a rocket that had engines in outriggers. When I was a kid I didn't have access to rocket parts (other than Estes kits) or stuff like epoxy. Now that I can order just about any rocket part I can imagine off the internet I am thinking of trying to build just such a rocket. I would use B or C engines in the outriggers. Has anyone tried this?

My idea is to not have an engine in the main body tube at all, unless I really need it for thrust. I would put two outriggers with one engine in each about 2.5 or 3 inches out from the main body tube. Since the rocket would be very unstable if only one engine fired I would never launch this with people around who weren't part of my launch crew, and then only with a very small launch crew.

I realize that the launch lug, fins, etc would really need to be stronger than normal as the stress from uneven thrust would want to torque the rocket on the launch rod and in flight.

In addition, the recovery system would be tricky as parachutes in the outriggers wouldn't work very well. I wonder if an upscale gyroc configuration wouldn't be a good idea for this design.


07-07-2007, 09:05 PM
Besides making sure every motor lights, it sounds like recovery might be your biggest problem.

If you go big enough for electronics, you might run into other problems with the motors lighting.

Good luck!