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Old 01-01-2022, 11:34 AM
klaatujohnson klaatujohnson is offline
Junior Rocketeer
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 2
Smile N1 For the Moon and Mars- N1 Colors and more

A friend of mine, Dave Fitch, caught your thread and suggested I respond. I wrote N1 For the Moon and Mars in 2013 with Alex Shliadinsky and Nick Stevens.
I am happy to report that we have just finished the 2nd edition and it is coming in at 550 pages. Jack Hagerty has yet to edit. It should be out sometime next year.
I have been authorized to sell a three-rind binder version till then is anyone is interested in that. It had all of the pages of the original. It is on EBay. my store is KLAATRUBERATTANIKTO.
I would be happy to advise any other details you may be interested in. the color is definitely battleship grey. We have all the spects on the 3L, 5L 6L and 7L versions. There was an 8L, but it was never flown. The technicians were certain that that one would have flown perfectly, but it was already 1972.....
One of your friends mentioned some grammatical issues with our first book. I would gladly see what they are referring to and make adjustments. Please note that we have three chapters in the book that were written by the Russians directly. We translated and left some oddities in the text to show their way of expressing themselves. I hope this is what they are referring to.
Thank you for your interest in the book.
Matt Johnson
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