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Old 09-28-2011, 08:43 PM
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Bill Bill is offline
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Originally Posted by Doug Sams
As baby boomers and tail enders give way to gen X'ers and gen Y'ers, peoples' instincts to count out pennies at the McDonald's counter will be gone as well.

The difference is more profound than that. When I worked a register in the Stone Age, making change meant counting up to the next dollar from the final price while dropping coins into the customer's hand, then the same with increasingly larger bills up to the the amount he paid me.

Today, the register displays the amount to be returned and the clerk counts up to that amount while pulling coins and bills out of the drawer.

It is well past time to Drill, Baby, Drill!

If your June, July, August and September was like this, you might just hate summer too...

Please unload your question before you ask it unless you have a concealed harry permit.

: countdown begin cr dup . 1- ?dup 0= until cr ." Launch!" cr ;

Give a man a rocket and he will fly for a day; teach him to build and he will spend the rest of his days sanding...
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