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Old 06-16-2010, 12:03 AM
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blackshire blackshire is offline
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Default Skua & Petrel weather rockets

Hello All,

Below are a few links to material on the British Bristol Aerojet Skua and Petrel meteorological/sounding rockets, the Spanish INTA 255 sounding rocket, and the US Arcon sounding rocket. The Skua was roughly similar to the Arcas. The 6-finned Petrel used a larger motor (both rockets had end-burning sustainer motors). The Petrel was also used as a target to simulate short-range missiles.

COPIED FROM AN EARLIER YORF POSTING OF MINE: Hmmm...another use for Quest's new 1/2A3-2 would be to power the parallel-burn, series-staged boosters of scale models such as the British Bristol Aerojet (BAJ) Skua meteorological rocket (see: and ), the BAJ Petrel sounding rocket & supersonic target (see: ), the Spanish INTA 255 sounding rocket (see: ), and the Atlantic Research Corporation Arcon sounding rocket (see: ). An accelerometer could ignite the sustainer as soon as the booster caused it to move.

Some versions of the Skua (and the Petrel too, if memory serves) had parachute-recovered reloadable boosters that landed quite close to the launcher, so using parachute-recovered boosters on these models would give them life-like performance.
Black Shire--Draft horse in human form, model rocketeer, occasional mystic, and writer, see:
All of my book proceeds go to the Northcote Heavy Horse Centre
NAR #54895 SR
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