Thread: Nasa Sls
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Old 01-11-2021, 06:21 AM
frognbuff frognbuff is offline
Aggressor Aerospace
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Colorado Springs, CO
Posts: 592

Exactly correct! Two good-sized boxes of 3D-printed parts, to be exact. The seller (NASAModels - he has actually done commissioned work for NASA in the past) offers "raw" 3D printed kits, 3D printed kits where the filling and sanding is done (ready to paint/assemble), and 100% finished kits. Obviously, prices go up as he does more of the work. I opted for the "raw" kits to save a little money. What's a little filler and sandpaper, right?

Some of the parts, especially large parts, are printed traditionally and require more work for a smooth finish. But some are done on a resin printer, and are basically "paint ready" out of the box.

Overall, a fun build!
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