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Old 09-06-2005, 12:02 PM
Green Dragon Green Dragon is offline
AL Swackhammer , power freak
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: New York
Posts: 1,255

me again, still begging for info, lol

anyways, between info from here and the old rockets list, plus catalog and my own photos, I've come up witht he following :

Bt 71 - 24"

TA-6070 with coupler glued on for added length

Bt 60 - aprox 18"

TA-5560 ( this used the plastic version, or the balsa ? or either )

Bt 55 - aprox 6 "


if these sound ok to the guys who actually had the kit - seems to be close to the pics I have, but 6" for the BT55 section sounds short, was that part actually that short ( I think you'd remember if it was, lol ).

only other thing lacking now is fin patterns.

can anyone give me a general idea on those - ie: were they symetrical ( same taper on forward and trailing edges, ala Nike fins, or were they longer sweep in the front , ala PA crude or Loc Bruiser,etc) ?

also - 3 fins or 4 ? , I seem to recall 4, but it;s hard to tell in the pics,and the catalog is just a line drawing .

thanks in advance, will get this thing built - at least a reasonable facsimile :-)

~ AL

NAR 34644
Tripoli 090
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