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Old 01-01-2021, 08:40 PM
AstronMike AstronMike is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Lakeland, FL
Posts: 224
Default Neato, Frank!

You seem to be cranking out these things like I *used to*!

Where are you getting *real* Depron nowadays, since I heard they're not importing the 'good stuff'?

I still have a buttload of 3mm stuff that I make large 18mm powered gliders from, this beats the pants off of balsa on a per-size basis. Also have some 1mm, that's for making really large and light tubing, since it's pre-formed in a curvature anyways.

Also have some so-called 'Depron Aero' as well. This is lighter yet but NOT as sturdy, and there fore needs some minor reinforcing. Well, doesnt *that* kinda kill the weight advantage...still Ok here and there.

And, in the old tyme section, still have some old Artcor boards. That is from around 25 years ago, and is a foamboard type deal with plastic sides instead of papery. Not very light nor useful as the alternatives today.

Always enjoy your reports and flights!
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